• Sep 17, 2024

I came across a poster at work that said, “Be kind to your mind.” At first glance, it struck me as a gentle reminder to speak more kindly to myself. But the more I stared at those words, the deeper their meaning became. It wasn’t just about positive self-talk, it was about truly recognizing my own strength, wisdom, and resilience, things I rarely give myself credit for.

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  • Aug 18, 2024

As I sit on the plane heading back home, I find myself filled with gratitude. I thank Hashem for the miracles He has given me and for the emunah He has given me throughout this crazy journey.

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  • Aug 7, 2024

As I sat down yesterday, a realization hit me. I was reminded of how far I have come, where I am now, and the journey I've explored. This summer has been incredible, filled with moments that seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye.

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  • Jul 15, 2024

Too often in my life, I've been my own worst critic. Too many times, I've been at war with myself rather than at peace. I've realized that I was born to have peace, and happiness in my life. But first, I had to learn to love myself. Sometimes, I hear that voice in the back of my head telling me what I should have done. We are constantly at war with ourselves, comparing ourselves to others and feeling too little.

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  • Jun 18, 2024

If you don’t love your job, then you’re doing it wrong. I can not tell you how much this resonates with me because I absolutely love everything about my job as a preschool teacher.

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  • May 29, 2024

Do you ever have those days where you just need to get away from everyone, and everything, and just be alone? It’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel the need to escape. For me, talking to Hashem is the best therapy out there.

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